IQ Foil board

Revolution boardsports

IQ 95 foil board


Dimensions: 220x95cm. 196 liters

The iQFoil 95 trims the width down to facilitate transport as check-in baggage. At 95cm, the board packed in a board bag fits comfortably inside airport scanners. The iQFoil 95 also includes deeper cut-aways than the iQFoil 100 that reduces tail volume and tail surface area. This helps to promote an even easier take-off.

Youth 85 IQ foil

The new 85cm wide iQFoil is the one-design board for Junior and Youth. Smaller and more controllable for younger sailors, this new size shares the same racing genes as the 95. Additional footstrap positions and reduced rail cutaway sizes improve performance in fin mode. Starting as a Junior with the Junior foil set and the 6.0 rig, upgrading to Youth only requires a larger sail and a new foil front wing. It’s the most streamlined path from foil racing at a young age to the pinnacle of sports.


Type: Unknown Type